Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Secret Is Out!!!

Today we told our closest family that there is a baby on the way. We asked an innocent bystander if she'd take a few pictures when we told them the news. Our photographer was crying by the time she was done taking pictures! Here are a few highlights....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012...a year of firsts

This is your year Baby Greenberg...2012. This will be a year of firsts. It is going to be the coolest, craziest, scariest, funnest, sweetest year yet. Being pregnant, making a nursery, choosing your name, deciding your doctor and where you will make your grand entrance, deciding what baby things we will buy for you (oh where to begin..there is so much cool stuff out there. I think you need it all), and most of all becoming parents. Soon we will be mommy and daddy. As we rang in the New Year (sipping only the finest sparkling apple cider for you) all these thoughts were running through my head. This is our year.

My whole life I have wanted a baby and to be a mom. Until now I have settled holding other people's babies and even contemplating how and which babies I could "steal" to hold me over.  This is a dream come true. I can't wait to hold you and see your face. Will you have dimples like daddy or curly hair like mommy? Will you be an entertainer like your daddy or will be easily entertained like your mommy? When we travel, will you love cold destinations like your daddy or warm destinations like your mommy? And what I really want to know, will you be a boy like your daddy or a girl like your mommy??

After our company left our house, off to the bathroom I went with a cup and test strip in hand. As to our delight, the red line got darker!! You are growing a little more each day.
Happy New Year Baby Greenberg. This is going to be the best year yet!!!!