Wednesday, March 21, 2012

15 week..he is the size of an orange

We have just returned from a wonderful trip to Australia. I think a little Joey kangaroo jumped into my pouch. A little bump has appeared over night. As Eric said, "now it's real". In Australia this lucky little boy rode bikes through the city, rode fairies, hiked through rain forests, walked down 927 stairs, rode the worlds steepest rail way, took a few airplane rides, went to the great barrier reef, rode on boats, survived its first hurricane (on a boat), felt humidity for the first time, ate lots of good food, got his first stuffed animal and relaxed on beautiful Sydney Beaches. Hope he remember this trip when he's older.

                                                         I'm twins with a Kangaroo.

It's a BOY!! (14 Weeks)

Today we went for a 4-D ultra sound and they saw something sticking up...Baby Greenberg is a BOY!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby's ready for a closeup

Our Newest High Resolution Ultrasound Images!

And the entire Video of the ultrasound

Sunday, March 4, 2012

13 Weeks, Beginning of Second Trimester!!

                                              I found my diaper bag...can't wait to use it!!
                                                                     I <3 baby peaches

12 Weeks!